Friday, August 5, 2011

Race Against Time

Today I was running a race. It was a race against time - and the phone. My boss was on the line and I had to pick it up in his office so I could check something on his computer. But, that meant I had to transfer the phone to his office...

And that meant I had to answer it before somebody else answered the phone.

I was hoping that the outcome of the race would be like this:

With me winning and picking up the phone.

Here's what went down:

Once I transferred the phone I jumped up, RAN from my desk...

and, in my usual fashion, I failed miserably.

Nope, I didn't run into a door (but I thought this picture was funny so I had to post it). Instead, I somehow BASHED my leg into the corner of my desk.

Anyway, my desk run-in slowed me down enough that by the time I got into my boss's office a Secretary had picked up the phone. FAIL.

After the awkwardness of trying to transfer the phone call back into his office took place, I realized I had a massive bump on my leg... apparently 'Bruise Easy' is back in business.

(Bruise Easy = the nickname some of my friends gave me.... because... I bruise easy....)

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