I'm not too sure what 'they' will be. Perhaps clothes? Junk? Who knows. BUT, I did build them!

The dresser... OH MAN. I almost gave up on that. This had 1,000 screws to put in and my little screwdriver was giving me blisters on my fingers (yeah yeah, sob story. 3 weeks later, and I still have remnants of the blister on my finger). I basically gave up for the day when I walked into the living room and saw that my roommate had a stinking electric screwdriver (uhhh are they called electric? I have no clue. But the kind that you can push a button and they screw screws for you). I dont know if I've ever used one of those before, but luckily it was pretty straightforward. pheww. Luckily for me I'm a college graduate. Otherwise I probably couldn't have figured it out. haha jk...
The instructions say you can build it in 1 hour, but I'm pretty sure it took me close to 3 hours. Hey-I've never built anything before! And they had probably timed Bob Villa building one.
The lovely bookcase that I built with my pink flowered hammer (that also transforms into a screwdriver).
Also, I hope Kate notices the 'Happy Halloween' thing hanging on the doorknob (and that door never gets opened, I have 3 doors to my room. So it's a perfect hanging spot. haha). The sign adorned me and Kate's bedroom wall during the Summer. Apparently Halloween is an everyday thing in the life of Berkley.
And please disregard the random clutter and junk inside the bookcase... haha
1 comment:
Hey your work looks fantastic. I would love to see what your whole room looks like. I enjoyed your blog. We are going to have a class on blogging in October but I won't be there, I'll be in Washington D.C. Love you honey! Mom
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