Thursday, March 3, 2011


Turn and face the Strange

Thank you David Bowie.

Anyway... back to the blog.

I dedicate this post to you, Mom. I wish I could see your face for the shock-factor...

Here are a few little things that I've changed over the past year:

I make my bed every day.

NEVER happened until about 1 year ago. Lazy? Probably.
I think I can pin this new, bed-making development on the spider-infested house I used to live in. My thought process probably went something like this: "if I make my bed, spiders wont be able to get into my sheets!"
New house and I'm still making my bed. Habits are hard to break, good or bad.

I floss my teeth every day.

NEVER happened until about a year ago. I think I can trace that back to my decision to make my dental hygienist proud. Don't you feel guilty everytime your hygienist asks " often do you floss?"

I'm in a bookclub!

I've always loved to read, but being in a book club is great. I've read a few books that I never would have read otherwise, one of them being "The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society.' The name itself probably would have thrown me off - it sounds weird. Not to mention that the book is written in letter format. Not my usual cup of tea.
But, If you're looking for a new book to read, I highly recommend it!

I love mushrooms!

Growing up I absolutely hated cooked mushrooms. I don't blame myself - they do look pretty gross. But for some reason I can now look past their outward appearance and eat them by cartfulls. Just kidding, not cartfulls. But enough to get my fill of whatever vitamin they have to offer.

BUT, there are still a few things I need to work on.

Not sure if these things will EVER happen, but here's hoping:

I hate onions with a passion.

Onions make me gag. Please dont give me food with onions. Sick. Perhaps someday I'll be able to eat them...? But don't count on it.

I hate Peppers.
I wish I liked them. But I dont.

But hey, we can't win every battle - right? This is coming from a girl that was so picky growing up I would only eat breakfast foods. I've come a long way!


Chels said...

i struggle with making my bed...unfortunately i dont think bed making is gonig to make the top of my habits to break this year...but good for you :) and onions and peppers? seriously...what do you EAT?!

Rick, Erin, and girls said...

Now that I bought my daughter cute new bedding I'm inspired to make her bed. My own, however remains unmade just about constantly. :) Good for you! I know your momma is proud!